August 16, 2016“One should not contemplate surgery until all reasonable conservative methods have been exhausted. Operating strictly for pain is wrong, there are other method that should be used prior to invasive surgery.”
–Dr. Ongley
Our Objectives
- To Utilize the principles and practices of state of the art Orthopedic Medicine in the management of patients with musculoskeletal disorders.
- To complete research and development of better treatment modalities and better solutions currently employed in Orthopaedic medicine.
- To provide physician education/training by a complete fully authorized residency program.
Conditions Treated

Back Pain

Neck Pain



Referred Pain


Back Pain
Back Pain
Acute back pain
Acute low back pain including disc syndromes
Acute Sciatica
Spinal arthritis and arthritis of large joints (including hips) ~ Chronic back pain
Chronic low back pain including disc syndromes
Chronic Sciatica -
Neck Pain
Acute neck pain
Chronic neck pain -
Injuries to muscular skeletal structure of the musculo skeletal system
Torn or pulled muscles -
Arthritis (all the various types)
Spinal arthritis and arthritis of large joints (including hips)
Degenerative arthritis (knees or any joint of the body)
Rheumatism (localized or generalized) -
Referred Pain
Referred pain syndromes -
Carpal Tunnel
Tennis elbow
Rotator Cuff Syndrome -
Bone spurs in spine, feet and joints
Carpal Tunnel
Tennis elbow
Rotator Cuff Syndrome
This works on all synovial joints in your body (e.g., toes, fingers, Temperomandibular Joints (TMJ)
treatments & Process

Ongley Procedures

Chelation Therapy

Oxygen Therapy

Detox & Restore

Treatment Process
Ongley Procedures
Ongley Procedures for muscular skeletal injuries both acute and chronic.
The O. Procedures are too many to put anywhere except in a textbook. Simply stated, most problems have nothing to do with the skin they lie deep inside. Humans do not come with ‘zips’ therefore to reach them one must use either a knife or a needle. The O. Procedures use a needle. -
Chelation Therapy
Chelation Therapy: This is a method for removing the plaques that builds up inside arteries impeding the flow of blood. It occurs in almost 100% of individuals as they age.A medicine that dissolves the plaques is slowly dripped into the circulatory system via a vein and finally reaches the arteries. The flow of blood may be measured before and after treatment.
Oxygen Therapy
Oxygen therapy is a proven method to restore normal respiration to a cell that has lost its ability to utilize oxygen. The abnormal cellular respiration alters the required physiological function of the cell.Ill health causes malfunction of cellular respiration. Normal cellular respiration is essential to achieve healthy cells. Restoration of the abnormal cellular respiration may be achieved by eliminating the causes of the improper respiration. The usual cause of this interference is the build up of toxins within the cells and within the inter cellular spaces. Any cell deprived of 60% of its normal oxygen respiration quotient mutates and ceases to utilize oxygen for its respiration purposes.
Normal metabolic functions of the human body depend upon normal cellular function.
Detox & Restore
Detoxification & RestorationRestoration of normal cellular function requires the removal, from the body, of all these inhibitors to normal cell respiration. This process is known as DETOXIFICATION. Detoxification is the essential initial step for the removal of substances counteracting normal cellular respiration.
Detoxification is achieved by dietary control and other routines to remove these toxins, not only from the cells and inter cellular spaces but also from their accumulation and storage within the intestines and colon.
Returning the detoxified cell to normal oxygen respiration and normal physiological function is brought about by saturating them with pure oxygen and maintaining that essential oxygen supply.
Oxygen is a gas and when administered in the concentration necessary to produce cellular respiration reversal, it must be dissolved in a liquid and administered intravenously.
Other attempts to introduce Oxygen through the skin via an Oxygen chamber or by inhalation do not produce the concentration of oxygen at the cellular level required to normalize abnormal cellular respiration.
Treatment Process
Treatment is based upon diagnosis. These are the two elements of the clinic that are far and away different from what you may have experienced in other medical facilities. Our diagnostic approach is by way of functional examination of the entire musculoskeletal system when required or a focal functional examination of say…you rotator cuff problem.
Once we have identified the structures which are functional and normal, we then easily find those that are compromised and in need of treatment.
Generally speaking, injured joints have limited range of motion secondary to adhesions, which formed during and after the initial injury. Our first goal is to reestablish normalcy to the area in question. We do this by realigning bony malalignments and rupture adhesions that are restricting movement in any given joint such that, within a few minutes, you will have a full range of motion that is pain free.
Once that has been achieved, we wait one day before beginning to stabilize structures that require stabilizing (ligaments, tendons, etc.). If you are that patient who is contemplating hip or knee replacement surgery, we will also begin to awaken the chondrocytes (cartilage making cells) and synoviocytes (cells that make the fluid that lubricates you joints).
You will invariably require ligamentous strengthening by way of selective inflammation repeated at approximately weekly intervals. The intervals vary according to the joints. Below is a general chart explaining the average number of treatments one can expect per joint.
Low Back: 1 Initial + 8 Sessions (Injection of a Biologic Regenerating Solution) at weekly intervals*
Note: This times below are not all inclusive of the treatments offered but depicts the common issues experienced by patients.
Mid Back: 1 Initial + 4 Sessions (Injection of a Biologic Regenerating Solution) at weekly intervals*
Neck: 1 Initial + 6 Sessions (Injection of a Biologic Regenerating Solution) at weekly interval
Shoulders: 1 Initial + 4-5 Sessions (Injection of a Biologic Regenerating Solution) at weekly intervals*
Hips: 1 Initial + 4 Sessions (Injection of a Biologic Regenerating Solution) at weekly intervals*
Knees: 1 Initial + 4 Sessions (Injection of a Biologic Regenerating Solution) at weekly intervals*
Wrists: 1 Initial + 4 Sessions (Injection of a Biologic Regenerating Solution) at weekly intervals** For best results, the sessions are spread out in weekly intervals not to exceed 3 weeks in between treatments.
Naturally this is subject to variability as introduced by degree of degeneration and any surgical interventions at the time of examination. Please take note that this works on all synovial joints in your body (e.g., toes, fingers, Temperomandibular Joints (TMJ).
Please remember if you plan to visit us, at least two days will be required during the first week of treatment. Refer to the link on “Travel” for information on the wide array of places to stay conveniently located near the clinic.