September 21, 2016
Nancy Dome P.H.D.

Roger Hayes

Sieglinde Martens Ph.D.

Tina Strumelj

Joey Cordeau

Lynn Snyder

Nancy Kent

Barbara Khozam

Dr. Ben Benjamin

Brad Walker

Charlie Webb

Dean Nicholas, PH.D., LMT,


Jim Dowling

Yoo Suk Kim
Nancy Dome P.H.D.
My friends Michel and Barbara Khozam told me to Dr Ongley in June of this year. They had both been high-level athletes who suffered injuries that would normally inhibit, if not, stop participation in sports all together. While talking about our lives I shared that I had given up volleyball and was getting ready to pretty much stop all activity that involved any kind of pounding on my knees and aggravated my damaged Achilles Tendons. This basically included everything shy of walking. I was in constant pain and gaining weight like a fiend…but most off all I was miserable.
I had been an athlete my entire life; a good portion of my identity was tied to being this sport person. I played Division I volleyball and then was fortunate enough to play professionally in Europe for several years after college and semi pro here in the US, now the doctors were talking about knee replacements before I hit 50 after two unsuccessful knee surgeries.
At this juncture I was willing to try anything because I truly felt that I had nothing to loose. I went down to Ensenada in August and after meeting the doc, signed up for not only my knees but also my entire spine. I know this seems radical and expensive…but all I know is just by him looking at how I carried myself, the position of my head, the way I sat and walked; he was able to tell me my injury history. He instinctually knew where to touch and could explain much of the phenomenon that still remains a mystery today to my ortho surgeons. Without cutting me open he was able to diagnose what a total of 6 surgeries could not yield.
After more than 10 years of chronic back, neck and knee pain I am nearly 100% pain free. I am 42 and playing volleyball in a league, jumping, hiking and occasionally jogging the trails when I feel so moved. I had no hope that I would every be able to do the things that I have loved my entire life again. Dr Ongley not only gave me hope, he gave me back the ability.
On a personal note, Dr Ongley is one of the amazing men I have ever met. His approach to medicine, his authentic love for what he does and the well being of the patient far surpasses ANY experience I have ever had in medicine. When you enter his practice you feel as if you have entered a family. His colleagues are equally loving and attentive and thus reflective of the energy Dr Ongley emanates. You feel safe and well looked after. In my opinion, it is an investment you can not afford not to make…unless of course you put a limit on what your health is worth.
Nancy Dome, PHD
Former Pro Volleyball Player / Professor / Consultant, Sedona, AZ
November 16, 2009 -
Roger Hayes
I first met Dr. Milne Ongley in 1981 in San Francisco. I had a “tennis elbow” in my right arm, not a serious injury but painful and troublesome. One of Dr. Ongley’s colleagues told me about the amazing things that he could do. I made an appointment to see Dr. Ongley, he gave me one injection in my elbow, the pain was gone within a day and I never had a problem with that elbow again.At about this same time, my brother-in-law had problems with his hip, was in a great deal of pain and scheduled for hip replacement surgery. Instead he went to see Dr. Ongley, had injections of Ongley Solution and this solved his problem. No surgery, just injections, his hip was permanently repaired and he was pain-free…amazing..
Over the years I’ve referred others to Dr. Ongley and all have had similar, positive results. Milne Ongley is one of a kind…witty, compassionate, a pioneer in his field. He is truly the finest orthopedic physician in the World..
I’m now 65 years old and having problems with my knees. Two orthopedic surgeons here in Wisconsin have told me that I need “total knee replacement’. Of course…that’s what they do! But I know what I need…Ongley Solution. I’ll be in Ensenada later this year..
Roger Hayes
President, Green Horizons, Wisconsin
January 8, 2010 -
Sieglinde Martens Ph.D.
I met Dr. Ongley 25 years ago when I had done everything possible to treat a very bad back. His was the only treatment that worked and in 6 months I was perfect and so was my back. Over many years he has fixed a broken collarbone; caused a broken hip and femur to re-grow new bone and completely heal..
I have traveled many places to spend time with this wonderful man and must say that the bond created is one that cannot perish with time in eternity. He taught me what it is to be human; what it is to be alive; what it is to be in service; and what it is to follow Divine guidance and never give up.He once said to me if you remember nothing else in your life, remember this…and I always have these many years.
“Only thinking makes it so”
Sieglinde Martens Ph.D.
Energetic Medicine
October 20, 2009 -
Tina Strumelj
When I was only a student, I read in a national newspaper that Bode Miller (rising star back then) and our Alpine Skier went to get some therapy in Mexico. I read that he doesn’t operate, but helps with injections, which helps for ligaments and muscles to get better much faster. Then in April of 2008 I went to San Diego, CA with an athletics team for track and field, preparing for the Olympics in Beijing. Damjan Zlatnar (110 m hurdles, has a Slovenian record) had a problem with his Achilles tendon.Since we were so close, I decided to make an appointment. It was then I finally saw what a real doctor was!! My God! He showed me how to always look at the patient holistically. For example, I thought that the only problem Damjan had was his Achilles tendon, but then after 2 hours he showed me a bunch of problems with his biomechanics. I was there for 4 therapies. It was amazing to work for him. We went there again the following year because I just wanted to see him and say hello, because he taught me so much. I am sure that he made me a better physiotherapist; he gave me this different way to look at physiotherapy…it was very useful. I remember what he said to me once: “once you learn how to diagnose correctly, things will get even worse for you,” he is always sarcastic of course.
Another athlete Dr Ongley worked with in Slovenia was Sani Bečirovič. He played basketball in the NBA and is now playing at home in Slovenia. His knees were so bad that no team on Slovenia would even consider working with him. Dr. Ongley brought him back from the “dead players” grave to a star again.
Tina Strumelj
Physiotherapist, Men’s Technical Alpine Ski Team, Slovenia
October 29, 2009 -
Joey Cordeau
We heard about Dr Ongley through a friend Dr Ongley had treated in the 80’s when he practiced in New Port Beach. The stories my friend told were hard to believe and it took him a lot of convincing for me to go see Dr Ongley the first time, but since then I won’t see anyone else. I started seeing in 1984 and will only use him for orthopedic treatment.
US doctors told me I had a blown out my ACL ligament and I was scheduled for surgery when my friend suggested I see Dr Ongley first. He diagnosed that I had stretched my knee ligaments, including the ACL, and that with his injections they could be repaired without surgery. He has also treated me for a ruptured sacrum, which was very painful and no one else could diagnose.
I had lower back pain that was diagnosed as a ruptured disc by US doctors for years and was diagnosed by Dr Ongley as lax ligaments, which have not bothered me since his treatments. He also treated a slight hernia with success. After the treatments, the ligaments tightened up and I had full recovery and was able to ski within 6 weeks.
Dr Ongley is one of the most personable, intelligent, and interesting people I have ever met. He spends a lot of time getting to know his patients and is never in a hurry to get you out of his office.
Joey Cordeau
Former World Mogul Skiing Champion
Ski Coach, Ketchum, Idaho
November 3, 2009 -
Lynn Snyder
In 1996 my sister told me that she had spoken to Dr Ongley about the vertigo I had for 20 years. She had been a patient of his for many years and felt he could help my condition. Dr Ongley told her it was imperative that I get down to the clinic to see him. Over the years my body had gotten all twisted. My shirts would not hang straight and my head was so tilted my vision was not straight, I was not only spinning anymore, I was also tumbling. I finally came to the end of my rope in 1998 (I could no longer drive) and came to my senses… I let my sister take me to meet Dr Ongley. The first thing he did was check my reflexes and range of motion, he told me he needed x-rays before he could do anything. So we went into Ensenada and got x-rays.After looking at the x-rays, Dr Ongley and Dr Glenn gave me an adjustment and when I got off the table I was straight. I had no muscle soreness of any kind from the adjustment. I followed the adjustment up with 6 treatments of shots and to this day, in 2012, I am still straight and have not been dizzy since!
More recently, I broke my ankle and stretched all the soft tissue and ligament. So I set off to see the best doctor I know, Dr Ongley. First, the Doctors in the states put me in a cast (this was a non -weight bearing bone) so I had it removed the next day thinking, Dr Ongley would not agree with this. When I arrived he said it was good I had the cast removed. After some treatments, he has my ankle all tightened up and I once again am way ahead of schedule in the healing process. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to be treated by Dr Ongley and the true amazing friendship that comes with it!
I have and would recommend anyone to go see Dr. Ongley. All I can say is, though it may be hard to believe what he is capable of accomplishing with injections, it is true. It will only take one visit to truly understand how incredible Dr. Ongley is. I am truly blessed to have Dr Ongley in my life. Also, I would like to say a thank you to Raquel, Dr Luna, and Rosalinda for always being there to take such good care of your patients and friends. Love you all for the great experience at the Ongley Institute!
Lynn Snyder
Alpine, CA, Clerical Equestrian
February 15, 2012 -
Nancy Kent
Years ago, in the mid 1980’s, I was at a loss for what to do. I was in my early 30’s and could barely walk a city block as my entire body had atrophied down to skin and bones. I was a mess physically and, of course, psychologically. The loss of being able to do the things I loved was devastating. Prior to that, I had been a marathon runner, distance swimmer, loved to hike and mountain climb (Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Kenya, and Mt. Olympus amongst them), hiked across Kenya … and so on. I was always physically active from childhood on. Well, as I said, it all came to a screeching halt in my early thirties. I began to develop back, leg, knee, and neck pain.Over the next two years I was told many things from many specialists. I had x-rays, cat-scans, bone scans; I was poked and prodded with the most concretely obvious things being disc herniations in my low back and neck. I was given a hard plastic brace (Boston Back Brace) for 3 months; it ran from the top of my thighs to under my arms. I was supposed to wear it for 6 months, 18 hours a day, but one day I woke up and threw the damn thing out. I was unable to bear watching the even further atrophying of the muscles throughout my back and buttocks caused by wearing it. Then I was scheduled for disc surgery in Boston. To make a long story short, I was perusing a bookstore looking for reading material to take with me into the hospital when I stumbled upon Ben Benjamin’s Listen to Your Pain. I called him up, made an appointment to see him, and there he told me about MJ. I canceled my surgery, which was to be the next day, called MJ, and he told me to “get on a plane!” And I did. MJ was practicing in San Francisco at the time.
Over the next 3-4 years I went back and forth from the east coast to the west coast. MJ treated my lumbar sacral spine, my cervical spine, ACLs in both knees, both knee capsules, shoulder capsules, and various other muscles. It was a long haul, but MJ’s work gave me the foundation I needed to begin to move again. I worked hard on rebuilding my body. It would not have happened without him. These 25 years since he treated me have been filled with running, swimming, kayaking — being in the world in the way I love. I got my body back and I am forever grateful to him.
I saw him last spring for the first time since then. I had lost touch with him completely. I’m 56 now, have some aches and pains, nothing so dramatic as all those years ago—a bit of tendonitis, some arthritis in my shoulders etc. I found him on the Internet, flew out to Mexico, and was successfully treated, of course. All that aside, more than anything, I am grateful to have had the chance to see him again and thank him for the gift he gave me all those years ago—a second shot at living the life I wanted.
MJ was, indeed, the light at the end of a long dark tunnel!
Nancy Kent
L.MsT., I.A, Leverett, MA
October 30, 20 -
Barbara Khozam
I heard about Dr Ongley from my husband and long time client, Michel Khozam who has know Dr Ongley for many years and was a patient of his while in college. I started to see him just this year in February. My initial complaint was the pain in my knees. They hurt to do almost everything and were preventing me from playing my favorite sport, beach volleyball. Because of the treatments, I’m playing beach volleyball again. I was well enough to play in 2 AVP qualifiers. (I haven’t done that since 2005). Not only that, but also all exercise is doable and pain free.This procedure was life changing. Not only are Dr. Ongley and his staff professional, friendly and fun to be around, but also so are his patients. I can’t even count how many wonderful people I’ve met as a result of my visits with Dr. Ongley.
Barbara Khozam
Speaker / Trainer / Author, Escondido, CA USA
November 13, 2009 -
Dr. Ben Benjamin
I heard about Dr Ongley in 1979 from a physician friend of mine and met him in 1980. I had low back pain for 22 years and neck pain for about 10 years. As a result of the treatment I received I have been pain free for the past 29 years.I have referred hundreds of people to Dr Ongley over the years who were desperate to be out of pain and he dramatically altered their lives for the better. The treatment he gave to these individuals helped the vast majority of them. He is the most skilled physician alive today in orthopedic medicine.
Dr. Ben Benjamin
Sports Medicine PhD, Cambridge, MA, USA
November 9, 2009 -
Brad Walker
I heard about Dr Ongley through an athlete friend of mine who is also a patient. I was having upper and lower back pain, and it was a major hindrance in my training and competitions. I went through a serious of treatments last year in 2009 and I received pretty immediate relief and was able to jump in the upcoming meets with significantly less pain.My experience with Dr. Ongley was great. Visits with the Dr. were always entertaining and hearing some of his stories with past track and field athletes was a blast.
Brad Walker
Athlete – Pole Vaulter, Seattle, WA
February 8, 2010 -
Charlie Webb
I heard about Dr Onlgey from my associate Sven Coomer Via John McBride Bode Miller’s old Coach. I received treatment for my knees 3 years ago. My knees hurt all the time due to old Soccer injuries in High School. The clicking (Boston Pops some call it) was very bad but the pain was the thing I could not stand. It would occur all the time; while driving, while sitting for long periods, while skiing and biking, going up stairs, and when ever a storm was coming. I was taking Motrin every day.After DR. O’s second injection the pain was gone!! My wife said I was crazy. But it has NOT come back. My knees are stronger and don’t hurt!!! I tell people they are like new!! DR O is INCREDIBLE (not to mention funny). I recommend him to EVERYONE who has any sort of joint issues.
I have friends who have nearly died from staff infections from knee surgery!! Why risk that?? I live in Vail Part-time, which is the home of the great Dr Steadman, BUT I went to DR. Ongley and I am sure glad I did.
Charlie Webb
C. J .Webb, Inc., Manufacturer’s Representatives
Specializing in Skis and Bikes
April 12, 2010 -
Dean Nicholas, PH.D., LMT,
I met Dr. Milne Ongley in December 1999 in his Clinic in Ensenada. I had prior communications with him regarding the knee patella tendinitis of one of the athletes I was privately coaching and mentoring, Erik Schlopy.After more than a year of examining his treatment details, studying his publications, getting information about some of his former patients and talking to one of his former professional partners [Dr. Thomas Dorman], I decided to bring to him another American alpine ski racer whom I was privately coaching at that time and was ” an urgency”.
“JJ” Johnson had a pretty severe knee problem [had a hard time to sit down and get up from a chair!] and two of the best orthopedic surgeons we consulted came up with the same recommendation: surgery. “JJ”, who was also suggested to retire from ski racing by those top doctors, started his treatment with Dr. Ongley in January 2000. To everyone’s surprise, he was back in competition at the US National Championships in late March that same year, only 3 months after treatment!!
The same year I convinced Erik Schlopy to go Milne and have his knee patella “trouble” taken care of because he could not do any plyometric training, or even play recreational tennis. After the treatment Erik, one of the oldest US Ski Team members, was saying ” I have now the youngest knees in the entire US Team” !!
One year later Milne also helped Bryon Friedman, another US Ski Team member I was privately/part time coaching and full time mentoring. I also took an old friend of mine to Milne, a former top US Ski Team member who – now in his 60’s – was having knee and back joint problems and he as very grateful for the referral.
The story with the US Ski Team members successfully treated by Milne goes on and on…and one can read and listen to their stories in many other testimonials.
About the treatment:
Having a formal and informal background in sports medicine I was interested and I took the time to study Milne’s joint therapy procedure and in a succinct description these are my findings:
Relatively simple, the procedure has an almost non-invasive approach: the cocktail fluid injected by Milne into various joints has the ability to trigger a natural regeneration of the different collagen fibers of cartilaginous and ligament tissues that need healing. Milne refined the composition of that injectable fluid along tenths of years. Milne’s subtle and deep knowledge of the 3D anatomy of joints, that vary from individual to individual, is bordering the miraculous…and that’s another unique element of his personal treatment…the ability to “target” the injections to the right points.
One of the BIG advantages of this type of treatment that was pioneered by Milne is the fact that the procedure does not disturb healthy joint components [for ex. the knee synovial compartment, etc.], as even the most sophisticated surgeries always do!! Another huge advantage of “Ongley’s” therapy is the fact that it eliminates the “disabling” 100% rest time the surgeries require: in between Ongley’s treatments [5-12 days] the patients are REQUIRED to exercise. That’s a great advantage, so important that it is even hard to quantify it in terms of positive evolution along the healing and recovery process.
As with any successful treatment of the human body, Ongley’s therapy does not have a 100% rate of healing, but the 8-9 out of 10 success rate is impressive. The Ongley therapy procedure has the character known in medicine as “Primum non Nocere,”… i.e. it does not do worse!! As every patient of Dr. Ongley finds out sooner rather than later, Dr. Ongley is a very carry human being, realistic in his contagious optimism and humor, and our relationship evolved to a strong friendship along the years. In spite of logistical challenges, Dr. Ongley remains very interested in both the medical well being of his patients, as well as in the human/emotional healing of their injuries. His unusual medical and human life experiences are the reason behind his unique relationship with his patients, shaping his treatments…as special life events.
He treats all his patients with the same subtle focus and dedication, whether they are common people to tremendous athletes [World and Olympic Champions, etc], working out of his unassuming Clinic in Ensenada, Mexico.
Dean Nicholas, PH.D., LMT,
Former USSCA Licensed Coach
Former President of “Quality Life and Performance, LLC”., Draper, Utah
November 11, 2009 -
I heard about Dr. Ongley through the Internet. Most importantly, I heard about skiers and other athletes rejecting conventional treatments for much more advanced treatments with Dr. Ongley. Dr. Ongley’s treatments work with your body for permanent healing. You forget you ever had the condition.I received treatments from him for 1month and my inflammed ligaments completely subsided. Dr. Ongley resolved it easily.
Dr. Ongley makes medicine easy. Eveything just seems so natural to him. Like Mozart with the piano….He is a genius with the body.
Pasadena, California
November 1, 2009 -
Jim Dowling
“Let’s forget about your shoulder for a minute and let’s talk about what is wrong with your back.” Those were the first words from Dr. Ongley that started me on a short road to recovery after two decades of back problems. I first met Dr. Ongley in 1999 when I hurt my shoulder and in between setting up the appointment and visiting him, I experienced a spasm in my back. I have had a history of back issues including two surgeries, one when I was 33 years old and one when I was 37 years old (about a year before I met Dr. Ongley). As I had aged, my back was getting worse. I was an old man before my time and I could hardly ski anymore and I had totally given up playing baseball.When I first met with Dr. Ongley, he quickly diagnosed me with Ankylosing Spondylitis and prescribed his treatment. After the first treatment I was pain free. After the eight-week program and follow up exercise I again skied as I did when I was younger and started playing baseball again. (By the way my shoulder was treated at the same time as my back with equal success.)
It has been ten years and I still play baseball and ski. I have seen Dr. Ongley over the years for other injuries and I am always amazed at how quickly I recover. I have brought friends and family to him and without exception they are truly amazed at the results.
Dr. Ongley is truly an amazing doctor and one of the most interesting people I have ever met. His warmth, eternal youth, infectious laughter, and his genuine caring, makes every session with him a memory to cherish. He is what a doctor should be – a person who heals! I highly recommend him to anyone with an orthopedic issue.
Jim Dowling
Construction, San Diego, California
October 28, 2009 -
Yoo Suk Kim
Dr. Ongley is well-known as a “career-saver” in the athletic world. I heard about Dr. Ongley through Mike Tully, who had received treatments from Dr. Ongley and was a very close friend of his.He saved my career twice with my serious back pains/injuries starting in 2006. I wasn’t able to jog or walk without pain after almost 6 months of several other treatments including chiropractic care, soft and deep tissue work, physical therapy, and acupuncture. I even tried a prolotherapist but the result was not successful. I had to consider something as invasive to the body as back surgery seriously which, as an athlete, I did not want to do. It was definitely a crossroads-type of moment for me in my life.
This is when I went to Dr. Ongley and was excited to meet him. Dr. Ongley’s treatments proved to be miraculous. It is amazing enough, he can completely fix the problem but the amount of time it takes is what blows my mind. He is able to get people back into the groove of their normal lives within a day or two at a 100%. So, for athletes, he is a crucial asset because he can have you ready and pain-free in dire situations in no time at all.
Dr. Ongley is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. His vast knowledge of the body, treatments, therapy and sports is unbelievable. But above all, I believe what he does best is caring. He is motivated and driven to help others live a much better life. He has given me my dream to pursue athletics several times now and I owe him so much. I cannot imagine my life without Dr. Ongley.
Yoo Suk Kim
Athlete – Pole Vault
Seoul, Korea
November 1, 2009
U.S. Ski Team
U.S. Ski Team
Erik Schlopy
Bode Miller
TJ Lanning
Jake Zamansky
U.S. Ski Team
Testimonials/Introductions -
Erik Schlopy
Pro Skier -
Bode Miller
Pro Skier -
TJ Lanning
Pro Skier -
Jake Zamansky
Pro Skier