The Ongley Institute

Joint, Back & NECK Pain Treatment Without Surgery

It is with great sadness that we announce Dr. Ongley’s passing earlier this year.
We are in gratitude for the legacy of his groundbreaking research and lifelong  work.

Dr. Ongley’s practice will continue under the guidance of Dr. David Luna Gonzalez.

Welcome to the web site of the Ongley Institute.
Our mission and dedication at the Institute is to provide our patients with the best medical care available anywhere. Our highly skilled, professional, caring and compassionate staff are devoted to your well-being and good health.

The key to success for the patient who comes to visit The Ongley Institute resides in two essential components. The first is a functional physical examination. The second is adequate treatment by way of injection. This is done by linking the greatest of accuracy, together with the minimally invasive route of injection, so as to deliver medication exactly where it is needed.


Our system:

  • Stimulates growth of the damaged structures such that they are biologically regenerated.
  • Works on muscle, cartilage, ligaments and tendons
  • Stimulates the regeneration for up to and over a year in active individuals.
  • Requires no “down time” away from work or exercise. These things are in fact, encouraged.
  • Is the least invasive way to health

If you are a candidate for joint replacement surgery, visit The Ongley Institute first and see for yourself what biological reconstruction can do for you.